Selasa, 02 Juli 2019

Everyone just have their life.
So i do.
I see when we grow up. We just live by ourself. Pada akhirnya, kita hidup masing2. We meet new people and we live with them. And one time, we will leave that people, and meet another people. And live with them again. And always like that. But we have to make sure that we shall treat every people very well. Dont make them hurt or hate us. If they hate us, just let it be. Be the useful to everyone is better than nothing.
I am in deep sad because i will leave people who kind to me. They always cheer me up and never angry when i cant do the task. That people are annoying but they were just cheering me up. That people always shared everything they have, although a small thing that they can give, it made me happy. I am grateful to meet them.
Maybe. I choose to leave because i am egoist but everyone have a chance to choose. Even it is the hardest choose.
I am sad because i leave people. People who i interact in almost 2 years. Sampe gw tau sifat dan kebiasaan mereka.
Thank you. Sudah bisa membuat perut ini kenyang. Sudah menghidupi gw 2 tahun ini. Sudah bisa makan di tempat makan mahal yg ga pernah gw singgahi. Sudah sering traktir makan ketika lembur. Suka memberi buah tangan ketika keluar kota/negeri. Sudah menghibur dengan apa adanya. Sudah memperlakukan saya dengan baik. Thank you and feel so sorry.
Now playing Elephant Kind - True Love.

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